Cherie Silas


Tandem Coaching


I am an executive and leadership coach focused on helping clients achieve the successful outcomes they desire in their personal and professional lives. I help leaders focus on developing confidence, skills, and executive presence. I work with motivated high achievers, many who have ADHD to focus on conquering their world.

I am an ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC), Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC), Certified Team Coach (CTC), Certified Organizational Relationship Systems Coach (ORSCC), and Certified Human Systems Coach (TCA-CHS). I have a strong desire to help people arrive at the place they define as success in both personal and professional life. My goal is to invest the experience and talent I have gathered through years of learning, often-times the hard way, into people whom I hope will become greater than I can ever dream to be. I firmly believe that my ceiling should be your floor!

I have a deep background in organizational management across multiple domains and have served in executive level management roles with multiple Fortune 500 companies. I have a proven track record of people development and have worked as a consultant assisting several Fortune 500 clients with large organizational culture transformations.

Learning Objectives

Participants will leave this session with:

1. Insight into the Psychology of Resistance: Gain an in-depth understanding of the fundamental reasons why people resist organizational change, and the psychological mechanisms at play.

3. Strategies for Managing Resistance: Discover practical approaches to manage resistance effectively, including communication techniques, empathy-building exercises, and engagement strategies.

4. Tools to Create Positive Momentum: Equip yourself with techniques to convert resistance into positive momentum that can propel the organization forward